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Congratulations to the winners of the first Project Management Olympiads!

The first Project Management Olympiads was held in September 2021. It was a competition organised by the Youth and Social Impact team of the various PMI African chapters. During these Olympiads, the youth team from each country was trained in basic project management skills. After that training, they had to choose a unique or combination of UNSDGs and write an essay describing how they could use PM skills to solve the identified problem/s. They also had to make a video sharing their ideas.

Congratulations to Nathanaël Grenade, Orielle Héliotrope and William Kinsley Wogram, who were part of the Mauritian team and won the competition. They showed how we could Recycle, Reduce and Reuse. They said that We should think global and act local.

View their video on this link:

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